Diabetes Medication

Benefits of green/French beans
Diabetes Medication Management Tips What is Diabetes

Benefits of green/French beans

Benefits of green/French beans Do you usually eat French beans? If not, here are the reasons why you should start consuming them regularly. 1. They contain fiber that regulates sugar level in the blood 2. They have a component known as Zea-xanthin that protects the eye from harmful radiation 3.They maintain a healthy heart because…...

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Black seeds-miracle seeds?
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Black seeds-miracle seeds?

Black seeds-miracle seeds? Black seeds are obtained from the Nigella Sativa plant that is native to India. They contain essential oils such as thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone that have great medicinal value, how? They are known to treat conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, rheumatism and many more. 1.They inhibit absorption of glucose in…...

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Diabetes Medication Related Complications


YOGA FOR DIABETES ; Yoga is a popular practice that many people find beneficial for their health. As well as being a type of exercise, it may also reduce stress. Can it also help with diabetes? Yoga has several benefits, both to those with and without diabetes1.The poses, especially abdominal contractions stimulates the pancreas hence…...

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Urine and diabetes
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips Related Complications

Urine and diabetes

Urine and diabetes ;Do you know that the color of your urine can tell a lot about what is going on in your body.Normal urine ranges from pale yellow, clear, to dark yellow. If your urine is cloudy (or has a foul) odor, you may have an infection. If your urine is dark, you could…...

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Who discovered Insulin?
Diabetes Medication Management Tips What is Diabetes

Type2 Diabetes need insulin injections

Type2 Diabetes need insulin injections Yes, Type Two Diabetes would need insulin injections instead or in combination of oral medication to Manage it well. When people with type 2 diabetes have the disease for a long time, their use of oral medications may not work as well. Therefore, one of the only ways to keep…...

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Type2 Diabetes need insulin injections Read Post »

Diabetes and amputation
Diabetes Medication Management Tips

Diabetes and amputation

Diabetes and amputation ;Did you Know It’s estimated that people living with Diabetes are 30 times more likely to have an amputation compared to the general population? People with diabetes are at increased risk of peripheral arterial disease and neuropathy, as well as having a higher risk of developing infections and decreased ability to clear…...

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Diabetes Complications .
Diabetes Medication DMRC What is Diabetes

diabetes and other infections

diabetes and other infections ;Do people with diabetes often have more infections? Yes. Because high blood glucose levels can weaken a person’s immune system—along with damaging nerves and reducing blood flow. These include infections of the skin (in particular the feet), bladder, kidney, and mouth, and for women, often vaginal infections. Diabetes increases the risk…...

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Diabetes Medication Management Tips Related Complications

Blurry Vision? Here is Why

Blurry Vision? Here is Why ;The eye’s lens—the object that becomes cloudy/blurry when a person has cataracts or blurry vision—gets its nutrients from the aqueous humor (the fluid in the front of the eye). When a person’s blood glucose levels are not in control, the sugar levels rise in the aqueous humor and lens. When…...

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Why Diabetes Causes Blindness
Diabetes Medication Management Tips Related Complications

Why Diabetes Causes Blindness

Why Diabetes Causes Blindness According to Harvard Medical School, diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in people ages 20 to 74. The high blood-sugar level in diabetes weakens blood vessel walls in the retina and choroids of the eye. This weakening, in turn, increases the eye’s susceptibility to hemorrhaging, scarring, and…...

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