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Diabetes Management

Fight Type 2 Diabetes Naturally—Three-Proven Nondrug Remedies.

Scientific research and the experience of doctors and other health professionals show that supplements and superfoods can be even more effective than drugs in preventing and treating diabetes. Here are three more standout natural remedies. GYMNEMA Gymnema Sylvestre has been the standard antidiabetes recommendation for the past two thousand years from practitioners of Ayurveda, the…...

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Diabetes Management Hypertension management

Understand Thyroid Diseases and Their Connection to High Blood Pressure

Your thyroid plays a big role in your heart health. Hyperthyroidism speeds things up, hypothyroidism slows them down – both can cause high blood pressure. Learn more and get affordable thyroid care at DMMC Ngara.

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Diabetes Burnout

Diabetes Burnout

Living with diabetes is not easy at all. No matter how much attention and effort you give to your diabetes care, you can be sure that something can or will eventually go wrong. There will be crazy days when blood glucose levels rise or fall dramatically for no apparent reason. There will be frustrating days…...

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Diabetes and Nutrition

DIABETES FRIENDLY FRUITS (eat in moderation!)

GUAVA Guava is an obscure tropical fruit that’s subtly acidic, with a sweetness that intensifies as you eat your way to the center. Guava has a higher concentration of lycopene—an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer—than any other fruit or vegetable, including tomatoes and watermelon. In addition, 1 cup of the stuff provides 688 milligrams of…...

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Hypertension management Uncategorized

How to prevent high blood pressure, delay its onset, or reduce its severity.

How to prevent high blood pressure, delay its onset, or reduce its severity. Many people with undiagnosed hypertension do not know something is wrong until the damage is done. Even small increases in blood pressure will increase your risk for a cardiovascular event. For every mm Hg increase in your blood pressure, your risk for…...

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How to prevent high blood pressure, delay its onset, or reduce its severity. Read Post »

Diabetes Management


Sleeping less or having disrupted sleep affects brain function, imbalances the hormones, and increases inflammation. All these factors can negatively affect your blood glucose. First, fewer than 6 hours of nightly sleep is associated with an increased risk of developing prediabetes, diabetes, and the sinister friends of diabetes (including hypertension, obesity, and heart diseases).In a…...

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Hypertension management


Chronic kidney disease occurs when the kidneys cannot filter excess water and waste out of the body while making urine. The cause of the disease dictates the type of treatment. High blood pressure and diabetes put you at greater risk for kidney disease. If diabetes is the cause, the first sign of associated kidney disease…...

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Hypertension management

Phosphorus: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

What Is Phosphorus? Phosphorus is a mineral that helps keep your bones healthy. It also helps keep blood vessels and muscles working. Phosphorus is found naturally in foods rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, fish, nuts, beans, and dairy products. Phosphorus is also added to many processed foods. Why Is Phosphorus Important for People…...

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Phosphorus: Tips for People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Read Post »

Hypertension management

Home Blood Pressure monitoring tips

Home Blood Pressure monitoring will entail reading your BP. To get an accurate reading of your blood pressure, take these steps: To get an accurate reading, follow these seven steps below or take the BP machine to your next doctor’s visit for a demonstration. Step 1: Sit comfortably. Keep your legs and ankles uncrossed and…...

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Hypertension management


Suppose you do not yet have new-onset hypertension or haven’t been screened but are concerned that you may be at risk. In that case, some clinical clues and lab tests will help predict that risk: Take the quiz below and add total points to determine your risk. If your score is a moderate-to-high risk (8…...

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Hypertension management

Managing High Blood Pressure.

Lifestyle modification and therapy should be the first intervention in managing high blood pressure. The success of lifestyle modification largely depends on an individual’s discipline and dedication, if they have no complications and better if they catch it early. Supplements and drugs should be continued during therapy to enhance efficacy, reduce the dose and number…...

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apples and diabetes mngmt
Diabetes and Nutrition

Apples and Diabetes Management

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? Have you ever wonderedwhy apples? The Science: Apples contain a variety of phytochemicals, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin, and chlorogenic acid, all of which are potent antioxidants. Apples have the second-highest antioxidant activity, the second-highest total concentration of phenolic compounds, and the highest portion of free phenolics…....

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Diabetes and Nutrition

Avocado and Diabetes Management

The American Diabetes Association recommends avocados as a healthy source of monounsaturated fats. Avocados are one of the best food sources of oleic fatty acids, with around 13 grams per cup of fruit. These omega-9 fats are especially recommended for diabetics as they have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels without reducing beneficial HDL…...

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Diabetes and Nutrition

28 Superfoods & Their Benefits.

Here are the 28 superfoods and their benefits: 1. Apples: can be eaten raw or drank as juice. – Benefits: rich in essential antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. They may help reduce your risk for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. 2. Asparagus: can be eaten raw or cooked. – Benefits: a good…...

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Hypertension management

When your blood pressure drops too low

In some cases, your blood pressure can drop too low, just as it can rise too high. Low blood pressure, called hypotension, can be life-threatening if it falls to dangerously low levels. However, this is rare. Chronic low blood pressure —BP that’s below normal but not hazardously so — is fairly common. It can result…...

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Related Complications

Eye Complications And Diabetes.

The eye also gets affected by diabetes. One of the silent problems with diabetes is that the person with the disease usually feels fine, and there are no symptoms even when the glucose levels are in the 6 to 10 Mmol/l range. Therefore, it is easy to ignore diabetes. Eventually, there are symptoms, but often,…...

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Diabetes Management

Diabetes Care Plan

Diabetes management requires a balance of healthy eating, regular physical activity, and blood sugar monitoring. A good diabetes care plan is based on daily, monthly, and other regular-interval activities. The daily parts of your care plan should include: Blood sugar checks: Medications: Food: Physical activity: Foot checks Examples of longer-term checks and management plans include:…...

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Diabetes Management Diabetes reversal

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Reversing diabetes is possible. I had an interesting chat with a Doctor friend last Saturday. He had a big challenge or, should I say, concern that he faces almost daily in his line of work. He sometimes feels hopeless, despairing that nothing you do to help some persons living with diabetes appears to work in…...

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Related Complications

Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes

Many of you may have heard of “fatty liver.” Fatty liver disease (steatosis) means you have extra fat in your liver. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) often coexist with diabetes aggravating the progression of simple fatty liver to a more advanced form called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). There are two forms…...

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Related Complications

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is the progressive loss of nerve fiber function. Diabetic neuropathy is the most common diabetic complication, with almost 50 percent of T1DM and T2DM persons developing it, and about 7.5 percent of patients having it upon diagnosis. There are three types of nerves that come out of our spinal cord or brain: motor…...

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Diabetes Management

COVID and Link to Developing Diabetes

Many people who have had COVID-19 have gone on to develop diabetes. But diabetes is relatively common, and COVID is too, so that doesn’t necessarily mean one leads to another. The question is whether people who have had COVID are more likely to develop diabetes than those who haven’t. And if so, is it COVID…...

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Diabetes and Nutrition

Meal Timing

Meal timing is one aspect of nutrition care in the management of diabetes shown to have significant impacts on glycemic control. This is basically eating your food at specific times of the day and remaining faithful to that. While adhering to your meal plan is incredible, you should also practice some ‘discipline’ by eating at…...

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Management Tips

Managing High Blood Pressure

There are various ways that can help in managing your blood pressure. Alcohol and High Blood PressureBy saying no to alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, you will:-Improve your work performance.-Improve your sex life.-Increase your life expectancy.-Lower your blood pressure.Alcohol raises blood pressure, and blood pressure falls back to normal once the drinking stops.  Besides raising blood…...

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Related Complications

What can people do to prevent or delay diabetic kidney disease?

Diabetic kidney disease is a potential complication of diabetes. Over long periods, insufficiently controlled blood sugar can lead to kidney damage. While it is impossible to reverse kidney damage, people can prevent or delay kidney disease. Diabetes is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood sugar. It is also the leading cause of kidney disease, which some may…...

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What can people do to prevent or delay diabetic kidney disease? Read Post »

managing high blood pressure
dmrc-website Managing and reversing hypertension

Complete Guide to Managing Hypertension

A complete guide exists in helping to manage hypertension. If you have diabetes or kidney disease, your blood pressure goal should be 130/80 mm Hg or less. Therefore, blood pressure greater than 130/80 mm Hg is considered stage 1 hypertension. Testing your blood pressure at home is a great way to test whether your lifestyle…...

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High blood pressure or hypertension
dmrc-website Hypertension management

Blood Pressure Explained

According to the World Health Organization, high blood pressure or hypertension affects 1.13 billion people worldwide. 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women had hypertension in 2015. High blood pressure or hypertension, often referred to as the ‘silent killer’, is typically asymptomatic – meaning it has no symptoms. Some people with high blood…...

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ten diabetes tests
Diabetes Management dmrc-website

Diabetes Tests

There are various tests that can be done to assess the prevalence of diabetes. 1-HBA1c Test: Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. Like other proteins, hemoglobin can join with sugars, such as glucose. When this happens, it becomes glycated hemoglobin, referred…...

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Diabetes Management dmrc-website

PCOS and Diabetes.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) may be present in up to half of all women with type 2 diabetes. It affects the menstrual cycle and the ability to have children and increases the risk of coronary and vascular disease. Women typically seek medical care when they are having difficulty conceiving or are concerned about their physical appearance related to elevated androgen levels. 

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dmrc-website Related Complications

Vaginal discharge, should it be cause for worry?

Vaginal discharge, should it be a cause for worry? Oh my, oh my, we are ending the week by discussing those situations that make you afraid or embarrassed to see a doctor. You should know that when it comes to your health, there should be no compromise. Doctors have confidentiality and professionalism; you should be…...

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Vaginal discharge, should it be cause for worry? Read Post »

dmrc-website Related Complications

When Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Well

Healthy kidneys get rid of the waste products of protein in the urine. When your kidneys are not working well, the level of urea and similar waste products can rise in your body. Many people have no symptoms from this, particularly in the earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). In more advanced CKD, a…...

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When Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Well Read Post »

Diabetes Management dmrc-website

Miraa (khat) and Diabetes

Does miraa affect blood glucose? Khat is a stimulant that is in the form of leaves that is chewed for its euphoric effects. It has cathine, cathinone, and psychoactive substances. These components stimulate the nervous system and give the user temporary happiness, anxiety, activeness, and mood disturbance. According to the World Health Organization, Khat is…...

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Diabetes and Nutrition dmrc-website

Benefits of Eating Omena

Omena is one of the popular Kenyan meals because it is readily available as well as affordable. It is nutritious to the body because it is rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It can be prepared as it is or grounded into powder and used in the preparation of soups, stews, special meals, and…...

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Diabetes Management dmrc-website

Corona Virus and Diabetes Management

You’ve heard on lots of media forums the association between Diabetes and the severity of corona virus infection. A lot has been said about this subject and there’s certainly some panic among people living with DM. While there’s some truth in this, it’s important to note that, it’s mainly uncontrolled diabetes that lowers the immunity…...

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Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC dmrc-website Management Tips

Your Attitude Toward Diabetes?

In diabetes management, a good start begins with a positive attitude. -It will motivate you to keep a daily routine of blood sugar control.-It will make you enjoy the meals, the exercises, and the overall care.-It is the attitude that will make your body feel at ease and energetic.-Attitude will sustain practice and healthy life.-It…...

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Diabetes Medication DMRC dmrc-website Management Tips What is Diabetes

Types Of Diabetics

There are different types of diabetics based on their characteristics and attitudes. 1. Proactive Diabetic:CHARACTERISTICS– Knows the severity of the disease– Independent and curious by nature– Motivated for self-care– Well-informed ATTITUDE TO DIABETES– “I will keep my diabetes under control”– “I have a serious problem, but it is not the end of the world.—I just…...

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Yummy! right? avocados
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication dmrc-website Management Tips

Avocados and Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association recommends avocados as a healthy source of monounsaturated fats. Avocados are one of the best food sources of oleic fatty acids, with around 13 grams per cup of the fruit. These omega -9 fats are especially recommended for diabetics as they have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels without reducing…...

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Diabetes Medication DMRC dmrc-website Management Tips

HbA1c in A1C Test

Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. Like other proteins, hemoglobin can join with sugars, such as glucose. When this happens, it becomes glycated hemoglobin, referred to as A1C or glycohemoglobin (or sometimes as HbA1c). The more glucose there is in…...

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Female stressed
dmrc-website Related Complications

Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes can have a profound effect on a person’s sexual drive, functioning, and satisfaction, a situation called erectile dysfunction. This is especially apparent in men although there is some evidence that some women with diabetes can also experience adverse effects on their sexual responses. The reason for the significant effects on male sexual function arises…...

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Insulin Injection
Diabetes Medication

Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone secreted by beta cells in our pancreas. We secrete insulin when our blood glucose and amino acid levels rise, which we break down from carbohydrates and proteins. Insulin travels to various cells, particularly our fat, liver, and muscle cells, and lands on a receptor. The receptor, which acts like a switch,…...

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Diabetes Management

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Feeling drained all day despite getting a good night’s sleep? Noticed an unusual breathing pattern while sleeping? Coupled with obesity or being overweight, these could be red flags signaling obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – a serious, potential risk to your health, impairing your breathing as you sleep. Do not dismiss these OSA warning signs, as…...

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Diabetes Management

Thyroid Test

The thyroid is a little gland that sits like a butterfly at the bottom of the trachea, right on top of the collarbone. It is the main organ that helps our body set its metabolism. It is essential for people living with diabetes to measure thyroid labs at least once per year.  If the thyroid…...

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Diabetes Management

Insulin Resistance: – Behind the scenes and why it affects people with Type one and two diabetes.

Before we dive into insulin resistance, let us ensure you understand insulin’s actions and where it’s produced. The pancreas produces insulin, and the pancreas is a long, narrow organ that lies behind the stomach in the left upper quadrant of our abdomen. There are four pancreatic endocrine cell types, known as islet cells: beta, alpha,…...

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