Diabetes Medication

Diabetes Complications .
Diabetes Medication Management Tips What is Diabetes


There is no cure for Diabetes. Neither Type 1 (insulin-requiring) Diabetes nor Type 2 (adult-onset) Diabetes ever goes away. If the patient were to gain weight back or scale back on their physical activity program, high blood glucose would return. If they were to overeat at a meal, their blood glucose probably would continue to…...

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Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Did you Know?

Did you know that poorly controlled diabetes can cause menstrual irregularity or even the absence of menstrual periods? Improving blood sugar control is the best way to remedy this. Sexuality & Diabetes A woman with poorly controlled diabetes is very likely to develop vaginal infections (specifically moniliasis and candidiasis). Some women end up blaming their…...

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Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

How to Check Blood Glucose

You check your blood glucose with a glucose meter. It’s important to follow the instructions that come with the meter you buy from us. 1. Wash your hands with soap and water. Dry them.2. Insert the test strip into your glucose meter.3. Prick the side of your finger with a lancet.4. Squeeze out a drop…...

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Mom with diabetic kid
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC

Diabetes in the Family

When loved ones and family support people with Diabetes, the condition becomes easy to manage. Our goal at Diabetes Management Resource Center is to motivate/help our members learn all about Diabetes, make healthy eating and physical activities part of their daily routine and follow their doctor’s instructions of keeping blood sugar within target levels” Why…...

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What to Do ;High Blood-Glucose
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication Management Tips

Emotional Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

When you see a loved one acting funny and you suspect it is low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) try to keep two things in mind: first, you are probably right that it is hypoglycemia; second, like it or not, you are the person on the spot with a clear head, responsible for doing the right thing…....

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Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication Management Tips

Mood Disorders and Diabetes

Today I would like to share an answer to a very frequently asked question: Why do people living with diabetes exhibit irritability and other mood disorders? There are a few reasons for behavioral changes like among people living with diabetes. One is the effect of abnormally low glucose levels in the bloodstream. The other reason…...

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Good Diabetes CareTips:
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Healthy Ways of Eating Vegetables

Eat raw and cooked vegetables with little or no fat, sauces, or dressings. ● Try low-fat or fat-free salad dressing ● Steam vegetables using water or low-fat broth. ● Mix in some chopped onion or garlic. ● Use a little vinegar or some lemon or lime juice. ● Add a small piece of lean ham…...

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Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Fats Simplified

Yesterday, one of our members, Rakel Mwix asked a question about the consumption of fats and we promised to answer. Fats have high calories and each gram of fat which provides twice as many calories compared to carbohydrates and proteins. Consuming too much fat can lead you to gain a lot of calories more than you need…...

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Diabetes cannot control you
Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips Related Complications

Diabetes as a Secret

Is it worthwhile to Hide your Diabetes Condition from Friends, workmates, or Family? As a secret? It is sometimes surprising (and reassuring) to realize that, given the fact that about 1 in every 12 people in our society has diabetes, we encounter people with diabetes virtually every day in our daily lives and are quite…...

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