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HOW TO HANDLE DENIAL ;One of the difficult moments for any patient is to receive a diagnosis, especially when it is for a chronic disease.Often, most patients behave as if nothing is wrong. Being in denial can lead to failure to start early medication which may worsen the condition. What to do Denial is allowed,…...

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Guardian:This A MUST Read!
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC

Parent good to children

Parent good to children ;Did you know that parenting impacts the mental health or exposure to diseases in children? Very early in life as young as two, toddlers can be vulnerable to mental instability depending on how we handle them. The kind of parenting can as well affect exposure to heart diseases or even diabetes…...

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Health benefits of kiwi
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Health benefits of kiwi

Health benefits of kiwi ;Do you know the health benefits of kiwi? Kiwis are high in Vitamin C  and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. This tart fruit can support heart health, digestive health, and immunity. The kiwi is a healthy choice of fruit and is rich with vitamins and antioxidants. Its tart flavor, pleasing texture, and…...

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Who discovered Insulin?
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips

Who discovered Insulin?

Who discovered Insulin? The Ancient Greeks were the first to advocate diet and lifestyle management for people with diabetes. Until the discovery and use of insulin in the 1920s and suphonylureas in the 1940s, diet and lifestyle intervention were the only treatment options available. In 1921, Dr. Frederick G. Banting became the first individual to…...

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Effects of Alcohol on Diabetes.
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC

Alcohol and hypoglycaemia

Alcohol and hypoglycaemia ;Alcohol poses a serious hypoglycaemia risk for Type 1 diabetics and the increased cardiovascular risks for Type 2 diabetes. Daily alcohol intake is associated with cataract development which is independent of the effects of diabetes itself. Alcohol contributes 7 kcal/g and so may contribute to calorie intake and impact on weight control…...

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Mom with diabetic kid
Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips


SUPPORT FOR FAMILY WITH DIABETES ;HOW TO HELP AND SUPPORT A FAMILY MEMBER WITH DIABETES 1.Be Especially Patient When Your Loved One Has a Low Blood Sugar As you know if you’ve lived with hypoglycemic (Low blood sugar) reactions of a loved one, the trauma may be worse for those witnessing it than for the…...

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