Diabetes Medication

Caring for Your Teeth
Diabetes Medication Management Tips Related Complications


DENTAL CARE AND DIABETES ;For a person with diabetes, being aware and practicing good hygiene for teeth is more important. Because diabetics often have higher blood sugar levels, the sugar keeps their immune system from fighting off infections the way it should. In addition, because high glucose levels tend to narrow blood vessels, the sugar…...

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Diabetes Complications .
Diabetes Medication Management Tips Related Complications What is Diabetes

Diagnosing Diabetes .

Diagnosing Diabetes . You will be diagnosed to be Diabetic if..1. Hemoglobin A1c Results is (HbA1c) ≥6.5 percent, or2. Fasting plasma glucose (fasting blood glucose) ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) (fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 hours), or Two-hour post prandial glucose (PG) ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) using a glucose load…...

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Diagnosing Diabetes . Read Post »

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What to do after Diagnosis.

What to do after Diagnosis. The news that you have been diagnosed with diabetes usually hits and is absorbed by everyone differently. For most the reaction usually is…. “It hit me like a ton of bricks. How could this be possible? I didn’t know a thing about diabetes. Why me? The whole range of emotions…...

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Diabetes education ;
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Diabetes and Treatment.

Diabetes and Treatment. The choice of treatment is guided by the type of diabetes. All individuals with proven type 1 diabetes must be commenced on insulin injection as first-line treatment. Treating Type two Diabetes however is not straight forward. The initial treatment is guided by the following:– HbA1c at diagnosis– Presence or absence of osmotic…...

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Beetroot benefits .
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Beetroot benefits .

Beetroot benefits . Their taste is not good? You don’t like them in salads? Mmhh do you know that beetroots have great healthy benefits? Vibrant red or gold beetroot has been planted everywhere from the ancient Mediterranean to George Washington’s Mount Vernon. In modern times, hybrid species of beets even have candy-cane stripes of red…...

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Beetroot benefits . Read Post »

Yummy! right? avocados
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication DMRC What is Diabetes

Avocado and Diabetes Management

Avocado and Diabetes Management & Prevention The American Diabetes Association recommends avocado as a healthy source of monounsaturated fats. Avocados are one of the best food sources of oleic fatty acids, with around 13 grams per cup of the fruit. These omega 9 fats are especially recommended for diabetics as they have been shown to…...

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Mom with diabetic kid
Diabetes Medication DMRC Management Tips What is Diabetes

Diabetes- the bad news

Diabetes- the bad news .So you’ve gotten the bad news that you or someone you love has diabetes. Now what? you’re really not helpless. There are all of these things you can do with diet, exercise and Chances are pretty good that you have been touched by diabetes at some point in your life. In…...

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Diabetes- the bad news Read Post »

Diabetes an increasing burden
Diabetes Management Diabetes Medication Management Tips What is Diabetes


THE DIABETES SHAME IN KENYA : WHY DON’T KENYANS WITH DIABETES SPEAK ABOUT THE CONDITION BEFORE ITS TOO LATE? In 2017, an estimated 8.8 percent of the adult population worldwide had diabetes. In Kenya about 2 million Kenyans have been diagnosed with diabetes with many others undiagnosed or in the pre-diabetic stage. Diabetes is one…...

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