Related Complications

Blood Glucose Control
Related Complications What is Diabetes


What is Hypoglycemia? It means one’s blood sugar is low, usually less than 60 mg/100 ml or 3.3 mmol/l. What happens? You do not feel well and experience signs, such as Sweating, Shivering, Hunger, Stomach pain, Fatigue, and Dizziness. Your Family or friends will Observe that your are -Pale -Sleepy -Unable to speak properly -Feeling weak/hungry -Behaving…...

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Management Tips Related Complications What is Diabetes


Hyperglycemia occurs when people with diabetes have too much sugar in their bloodstream. Hyperglycemia should not be confused with Hypoglycemia(which is when blood sugar levels go too low). You should aim to avoid spending long periods of time with high blood glucose levels. What causes hyperglycemia? The underlying cause of hyperglycemia will usually be from loss…...

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A glucose meter
Management Tips Related Complications What is Diabetes

High and Low Blood Sugars

Although many people with diabetes confidently state that they can reliably “detect” both their high and low blood sugars without actual measurement, studies have shown that these beliefs are not usually accurate!!!. -Hypoglycemia (An abnormally low level of glucose; symptoms include shakiness, sweatiness, hunger, abdominal discomfort, palpitations, and confusion.) -Hyperglycemia (An abnormally high level of…...

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Related Complications

The Pancreas & Diabetes.

The pancreas is approximately 15cm long, Tongue-shaped and Pinkish-tan with a weight of around 80gms, and is primarily an exocrine gland that secretes pancreatic juice, an important digestive fluid. Pancreatic juice is a mixture of digestive enzymes, water, and electrolytes. Most importantly, the pancreas has an endocrine secretion concerned with glucose metabolism. The islets of…...

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Related Complications

Gluten and Diabetes

Gluten is a type of protein found in certain grains. These include wheat, barley, and rye. It can cause inflammation of the small intestine in people with celiac disease. This can result in abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas, as well as anemia, joint and muscle pain, skin conditions, and fatigue. It is necessary to follow a…...

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Female stressed
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Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes can have a profound effect on a person’s sexual drive, functioning, and satisfaction, a situation called erectile dysfunction. This is especially apparent in men although there is some evidence that some women with diabetes can also experience adverse effects on their sexual responses. The reason for the significant effects on male sexual function arises…...

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Related Complications

Cannabis and Diabetes

There are several studies that show cannabis helps improve blood sugar control and helps with weight loss. Yes, it is well known that cannabis does cause an increase in appetite – ‘the munchies’ but cannabis seems to positively affect the metabolism so weight gain does not appear to be an issue. Cannabis appears to improve…...

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